sdr 0.7

Package net.cscott.sdr.calls.transform

This package contains code to parse call lists and transform call abstract syntax in various ways.


Class Summary
CallFileLoader This class contains the code to parse and load a call list.
Finish Transformation implementing C1List.FINISH.
Finish.PartSelectorCall Helper class to define concepts based on this class (and subclasses of it).
FirstPart Transformation implementing C4List._FIRST_PART (not on any list).
Fractional Transformation implementing BasicList._FRACTIONAL.
LikeA Transformation implementing C4List.LIKE_A.
PartsVisitor<T> Helper for transformations which treat separate parts of a call, like Fractional, Finish, and LikeA.
RemoveIn Push Ins down a call tree and adjust Prim timing where possible.
TransformVisitor<T> TransformVisitor is a superclass to eliminate common code when writing tree transformations.
ValueVisitor<RESULT,CLOSURE> ValueVisitor is a superclass to eliminate common code when writing tree transformations.

Package net.cscott.sdr.calls.transform Description

This package contains code to parse call lists and transform call abstract syntax in various ways.

Square thru is "2 beats per hand", so square thru 1 1/2 takes 3 beats. Tests call evaluation, in removal, and fractionalization.
js> importPackage(net.cscott.sdr.util) // for Fraction
js> importPackage(net.cscott.sdr.calls) // for CallDB, DanceState
js> importPackage(net.cscott.sdr.calls.ast) // for Apply
js> ds = new DanceState(new DanceProgram(Program.BASIC), Formation.FOUR_SQUARE); undefined;
js> sqthr = CallDB.INSTANCE.lookup("square thru")
square thru[basic]
js> def = sqthr.getEvaluator(ds, java.util.Arrays.asList(Expr.literal("1 1/2"))).simpleExpansion(); undefined
js> new Evaluator.Standard(def).evaluateAll(ds); undefined;
js> ds.currentTime()

sdr 0.7

Copyright © 2006-2009 C. Scott Ananian