sdr 0.7

Uses of Class

Packages that use Rotation
net.cscott.sdr.calls This package contains the square dance choreography engine, and the basic types and interfaces required to communicate with it. 

Uses of Rotation in net.cscott.sdr.calls

Subclasses of Rotation in net.cscott.sdr.calls
 class ExactRotation
          Rotations are represented as fractions, where '0' is facing north (away from the caller), and '1/4' is facing east.

Fields in net.cscott.sdr.calls declared as Rotation
 Rotation Position.facing
          Facing direction.

Methods in net.cscott.sdr.calls that return Rotation
 Rotation Rotation.add(Fraction f)
          Add the given amount to this rotation direction.
static Rotation Rotation.create(Fraction amount, Fraction modulo)
static Rotation Rotation.fromAbsoluteString(String s)
          Converts a string (one of n/s/e/w, ne/nw/se/sw) to the appropriate rotation object.
 Rotation Rotation.negate()
          Negate this rotation (mirror image).
 Rotation Rotation.normalize()
          Normalize rotation to the range [0, modulus).
 Rotation Rotation.subtract(Fraction f)
          Subtract the given amount from this rotation direction.
static Rotation Rotation.union(List<Rotation> rots)
 Rotation Rotation.union(Rotation r)
          Return a Rotation which includes all the directions represented by this and the specified Rotation.

Methods in net.cscott.sdr.calls with parameters of type Rotation
static Position Position.getGrid(int x, int y, Rotation r, Position.Flag... flags)
          Returns a position corresponding to the standard square dance grid. 0,0 is the center of the set, and odd coordinates between -3 and 3 correspond to the standard 4x4 grid.
 boolean Rotation.includes(Rotation r)
          Returns true iff all the rotations possible with the given r are included within the set of rotations possible with this.
 Position Position.relocate(Fraction x, Fraction y, Rotation facing)
          Move a Position, preserving its flags.
 Rotation Rotation.union(Rotation r)
          Return a Rotation which includes all the directions represented by this and the specified Rotation.

Method parameters in net.cscott.sdr.calls with type arguments of type Rotation
static Rotation Rotation.union(List<Rotation> rots)

Constructors in net.cscott.sdr.calls with parameters of type Rotation
Position(Fraction x, Fraction y, Rotation facing, Position.Flag... flags)
          Create a Position object from the given x and y coordinates, facing Rotation, and Position.Flags.
Position(Fraction x, Fraction y, Rotation facing, Set<Position.Flag> flags)
          Create a Position object from the given x and y coordinates, facing Rotation, and the given Set of Position.Flags.
Position(int x, int y, Rotation facing, Position.Flag... flags)
          Create a Position object with integer-valued x and y coordinates, a Rotation and Position.Flags.

sdr 0.7

Copyright © 2006-2009 C. Scott Ananian