sdr 0.7

Uses of Class

Packages that use Position
net.cscott.sdr.calls This package contains the square dance choreography engine, and the basic types and interfaces required to communicate with it. 

Uses of Position in net.cscott.sdr.calls

Fields in net.cscott.sdr.calls declared as Position
 Position DancerPath.from
          The rotations on the to and from positions should be exact.
 Position TimedPosition.position
          The dancer position called for at the given time.
          The rotations on the to and from positions should be exact.

Fields in net.cscott.sdr.calls with type parameters of type Position
protected  Map<Dancer,Position> Formation.location

Methods in net.cscott.sdr.calls that return Position
 Position Position.addFlags(Position.Flag... flags)
          Return a new Position identical to this one, except with the given flags set.
 Position Position.forwardStep(Fraction distance, boolean stepIn)
          Move the given distance in the facing direction, clearing any Position.Flags.
static Position Position.getGrid(int x, int y, Rotation r, Position.Flag... flags)
          Returns a position corresponding to the standard square dance grid. 0,0 is the center of the set, and odd coordinates between -3 and 3 correspond to the standard 4x4 grid.
static Position Position.getGrid(int x, int y, String direction, Position.Flag... flags)
          Returns a position corresponding to the standard square dance grid. 0,0 is the center of the set, and odd coordinates between -3 and 3 correspond to the standard 4x4 grid.
 Position Formation.location(Dancer d)
 Position Position.mirror(boolean mirrorShoulderPass)
          Return a new position, mirrored around the y-axis, including the pass, roll, and sweep flags.
 Position Position.normalize()
          Normalize (restrict to 0-modulus) the rotation of the given position, preserving any Position.Flags.
 Position Position.relocate(Fraction x, Fraction y, Rotation facing)
          Move a Position, preserving its flags.
 Position Position.rotateAroundOrigin(ExactRotation rot)
          Rotate this position around the origin by the given amount, preserving any Position.Flags.
 Position Position.setFlags(Collection<Position.Flag> f)
          Return a new Position identical to this one, except with exactly the given flags set.
 Position Position.setFlags(Position.Flag... flags)
          Return a new Position identical to this one, except with exactly the given flags set.
 Position Position.sideStep(Fraction distance, boolean stepIn)
          Move the given distance perpendicular to the facing direction, clearing any Position.Flags.
 Position Position.turn(Fraction amount, boolean faceIn)
          Turn in place the given amount, clearing any Position.Flags.
 Position Position.turn(Fraction amount, boolean faceIn, Position reference)
          Turn in place the given amount, clearing any Position.Flags.

Methods in net.cscott.sdr.calls with parameters of type Position
static DancerPath EvalPrim.apply(Prim prim, Position from, int formationSize)
          "Dance" the given primitive from the given position (in a formation of the given size) to yield a DancerPath.
 int Position.compareTo(Position p)
          Compare two Positions.
 boolean Position.equalsIgnoringFlags(Position p)
 Formation Formation.move(Dancer d, Position p)
          Return a formation like this one, except that the given dancer is moved to the specified position.
 TaggedFormation TaggedFormation.move(Dancer d, Position p)
 DancerPath DancerPath.translate(Position from, Position to)
          Return a DancerPath like this one, except with the 'to' and 'from' positions warped to those given.
 Position Position.turn(Fraction amount, boolean faceIn, Position reference)
          Turn in place the given amount, clearing any Position.Flags.

Constructors in net.cscott.sdr.calls with parameters of type Position
DancerPath(Position from, Position to, Fraction time, DancerPath.PointOfRotation pointOfRotation, Collection<DancerPath.Flag> flags)
DancerPath(Position from, Position to, Fraction time, DancerPath.PointOfRotation pointOfRotation, DancerPath.Flag... flags)
          Create an immutable DancerPath object.
TimedPosition(Position position, Fraction time, boolean isAbsolute)

Constructor parameters in net.cscott.sdr.calls with type arguments of type Position
Formation(Map<Dancer,Position> location)
Formation(Map<Dancer,Position> location, Set<Dancer> selected)
TaggedFormation(Map<Dancer,Position> location, Set<Dancer> selected, MultiMap<Dancer,TaggedFormation.Tag> tags)

sdr 0.7

Copyright © 2006-2009 C. Scott Ananian