sdr 0.7

Uses of Class

Packages that use Formation
net.cscott.sdr This package contains the main game class (App) and a text UI (PMSD), as well as interface definitions needed to tie the various pieces together. 
net.cscott.sdr.calls This package contains the square dance choreography engine, and the basic types and interfaces required to communicate with it. 
net.cscott.sdr.toolbox High-level square dance tools. 

Uses of Formation in net.cscott.sdr

Methods in net.cscott.sdr that return Formation
 Formation ChoreoEngine.currentFormation()

Methods in net.cscott.sdr with parameters of type Formation
 void ScoreAccumulator.goodCallGiven(Apply theCall, Formation endingFormation, long startTime, long endTime)

Constructors in net.cscott.sdr with parameters of type Formation
ChoreoEngine(DanceProgram dp, Formation f, DanceFloor danceFloor, ScoreAccumulator score, HUD hud, CommandInput input)

Uses of Formation in net.cscott.sdr.calls

Subclasses of Formation in net.cscott.sdr.calls
 class NamedTaggedFormation
          Associates a name with a canonical formation.
 class TaggedFormation
          A TaggedFormation is a set of dancers and positions for them.

Fields in net.cscott.sdr.calls declared as Formation
 Formation TimedFormation.formation
          The dancer formation called for at the given time.
static Formation Formation.FOUR_SQUARE
          Starting formation for 2-couple dancing.
 Formation Breather.FormationPiece.input
          Input formation piece.
 Formation FormationMatch.meta
          The meta formation contains one dancer for each matched sub-formation in the setup.
 Formation Breather.FormationPiece.output
          The formation which will correspond to Breather.FormationPiece.input in the output (meta) formation.
static Formation Formation.SQUARED_SET
          Starting formation for 8-couple dancing.

Methods in net.cscott.sdr.calls that return Formation
static Formation Breather.breathe(Formation f)
          Create a canonical formation by compressing the given one.
static Formation Breather.breathe(List<Breather.FormationPiece> pieces)
          Take a set of input formation pieces and substitute the given output formation pieces for them, breathing the result together so that the formation is compact.
 Formation DanceState.currentFormation()
          Return the last in the list of timed formations.
 Formation DanceState.formationAt(Fraction time)
          Return the latest formation at or preceding the given time.
static Formation Breather.insert(Formation meta, Map<Dancer,Formation> components)
          Insert formations into a meta-formation.
 Formation dancers)
          Replace the dancers in this formation with the given dancers, specified in the "sorted dancers" order (left-to-right, top-to-bottom).
 Formation<Dancer,Dancer> map)
 Formation Formation.mapStd(StandardDancer... dancers)
          Special case of map(Dancer...) which allows you to specify half the dancers, and fills in the rest with their opposites to result in a symmetric formation.
 Formation Formation.mirror(boolean mirrorShoulderPass)
          Return a formation like this one, except with all positions mirrored.
 Formation Formation.move(Dancer d, Position p)
          Return a formation like this one, except that the given dancer is moved to the specified position.
 Formation Formation.onlySelected()
          Create a new formation containing only the selected dancers from this formation.
 Formation Permutation.permute(Formation f)
          Permute the given formation according to the specified permutation.
 Formation Formation.recenter()
          Build a new formation, centered on 0,0.
 Formation Formation.rotate(ExactRotation rotation)
          Build a new formation, like this one except rotated around 0,0.
 Formation<Dancer> d)
          Build a new formation with only the given dancers selected.
 Formation d)
          Convenience method for select(Collection).

Methods in net.cscott.sdr.calls with parameters of type Formation
static void Tagger.addAutomatic(Formation f, MultiMap<Dancer,TaggedFormation.Tag> tags)
static void Tagger.addFrom(TaggedFormation template, Formation f, MultiMap<Dancer,TaggedFormation.Tag> tags)
          Find all instance of the tagged template formation in the given given formation f, and add the tags from the template to the set of tags on f given in tags.
static DancerPath EvalPrim.apply(Dancer d, Formation f, Prim p)
          "Dance" the given primitive for the given dancer in the given formation to yield a DancerPath for that dancer.
static Formation Breather.breathe(Formation f)
          Create a canonical formation by compressing the given one.
static Evaluator Evaluator.breathedEval(Formation f, Comp c)
          Create an evaluator which breathes each formation to resolve collisions.
 DanceState DanceState.cloneAndClear(Formation formation)
          Similar to DanceState.cloneAndClear(), but allows you to specify the new 'current formation' of the result.
static TaggedFormation TaggedFormation.coerce(Formation f)
static FormationMatch GeneralFormationMatcher.doMatch(Formation input, List<TaggedFormation> goals, boolean allowUnmatchedDancers, boolean usePhantoms)
          Allow multiple simultaneous goal formations.
static FormationMatch GeneralFormationMatcher.doMatch(Formation input, TaggedFormation goal, boolean allowUnmatchedDancers, boolean usePhantoms)
          Attempt to match the input formation against the goal formation; you can have multiple rotated copies of the goal formation in the input.
static Permutation Permutation.fromFormation(Formation f)
          Generate a Permutation corresponding to the given formation.
static Formation Breather.insert(Formation meta, Map<Dancer,Formation> components)
          Insert formations into a meta-formation.
abstract  FormationMatch Matcher.match(Formation f)
          Match sub-formations from a formation.
 Formation Permutation.permute(Formation f)
          Permute the given formation according to the specified permutation.
static void Tagger.tag2(Formation f, MultiMap<Dancer,TaggedFormation.Tag> tags)
          Discover 1x2 tags (BEAU/BELLE/LEADER/TRAILER) in the given formation.
static void Tagger.tag4(Formation f, MultiMap<Dancer,TaggedFormation.Tag> tags)
          Discover 1x4 tags (NUMBER_1/2/3/4, CENTER/END) in the given formation.
 TaggedFormation DanceState.tagDesignated(Formation f)
          Add the 'DESIGNATED' tag to the given Formation.

Method parameters in net.cscott.sdr.calls with type arguments of type Formation
static Formation Breather.insert(Formation meta, Map<Dancer,Formation> components)
          Insert formations into a meta-formation.

Constructors in net.cscott.sdr.calls with parameters of type Formation
Breather.FormationPiece(Formation input, Formation output)
Breather.FormationPiece(Formation input, Formation output, ExactRotation r)
          Prepare an argument to the Breather.breathe(net.cscott.sdr.calls.Formation) method.
DanceState(DanceProgram dance, Formation f)
DanceState(DanceProgram dance, Formation f, Map<String,String> properties)
Formation(Formation f, Map<Dancer,Dancer> map)
FormationMatch(Formation meta, Map<Dancer,TaggedFormation> matches, Set<Dancer> unmatched)
NamedTaggedFormation(String name, Formation f, MultiMap<Dancer,TaggedFormation.Tag> tags)
TaggedFormation(Formation f, MultiMap<Dancer,TaggedFormation.Tag> tags)
TimedFormation(Formation formation, Fraction time, boolean isAbsolute)

Uses of Formation in net.cscott.sdr.toolbox

Methods in net.cscott.sdr.toolbox with parameters of type Formation
static String DWResolver.resolveStep(Formation f)
          Return the next call needed to resolve the given formation.

sdr 0.7

Copyright © 2006-2009 C. Scott Ananian