sdr 0.7

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Dancer
net.cscott.sdr This package contains the main game class (App) and a text UI (PMSD), as well as interface definitions needed to tie the various pieces together. 
net.cscott.sdr.calls This package contains the square dance choreography engine, and the basic types and interfaces required to communicate with it. 

Uses of Dancer in net.cscott.sdr

Methods in net.cscott.sdr that return types with arguments of type Dancer
 MultiMap<Dancer,DancerPath> ChoreoEngine.execute(String unparsedCall, ScoreAccumulator score)
          Given a TimedFormation representing the "current" dancer formation, perform the given call.

Methods in net.cscott.sdr with parameters of type Dancer
 void DanceFloor.addPath(Dancer d, DancerBezierPath dbp)
          Add a path for the given dancer.
 void DanceFloor.clearPaths(Dancer d)
          Remove the given dancer from the floor.
 DancerBezierPath DanceFloor.location(Dancer d, Fraction beatTime)
          Current (interpolated) path for the given dancer.

Uses of Dancer in net.cscott.sdr.calls

Classes in net.cscott.sdr.calls that implement Dancer
 class PhantomDancer
          An object representing a phantom dancer.
 class StandardDancer
          An object representing one of the eight real dancers.

Fields in net.cscott.sdr.calls with type parameters of type Dancer
static Map<Dancer,String> Formation.dancerNames
          Map from StandardDancers to 2-character dancer representations.
protected  Map<Dancer,Position> Formation.location
 Map<Dancer,TaggedFormation> FormationMatch.matches
          The FormationMatch.matches field is a map from phantom dancers in the meta formation to real dancers in a tagged subformation.
protected  Set<Dancer> Formation.selected
 Set<Dancer> FormationMatch.unmatched
          Be explicit about unmatched dancers, just in case real matched dancers also map to FormationListFast.SINGLE_DANCER.

Methods in net.cscott.sdr.calls that return types with arguments of type Dancer
 Comparator<Dancer> Formation.dancerComparator()
          Return a Dancer Comparator that compares dancers based on their positions within this Formation.
 Set<Dancer> DanceState.dancers()
          Return all the Dancers in this DanceState.
 Set<Dancer> Formation.dancers()
 Set<Dancer> DanceState.designated()
          Look at the top of the designated dancer stack.
abstract  Set<Dancer> tf)
          Return the dancers selected by this Selector from the given formation.
 Set<Dancer> Formation.selectedDancers()
 List<Dancer> Formation.sortedDancers()
          Return the dancers of Formation.dancers(), in the order given by Formation.dancerComparator().
 Set<Dancer> TaggedFormation.tagged(Set<TaggedFormation.Tag> tags)
          Return the set of dancers tagged by any of the given set of tags.
 Set<Dancer> TaggedFormation.tagged(TaggedFormation.Tag tag)
          Return the set of dancers tagged with the given tag.

Methods in net.cscott.sdr.calls with parameters of type Dancer
 void DanceState.add(Dancer d, DancerPath dp)
          Move the given dancer along the specified dancer path.
static DancerPath EvalPrim.apply(Dancer d, Formation f, Prim p)
          "Dance" the given primitive for the given dancer in the given formation to yield a DancerPath for that dancer.
 Box Formation.bounds(Dancer d)
          Return the bounds of the given dancer -- always its position plus or minus 1 unit on the x and y axes.
 boolean Formation.isSelected(Dancer d)
          Return true iff the given dancer is selected.
 boolean TaggedFormation.isTagged(Dancer d, Set<TaggedFormation.Tag> tags)
          Return true if the dancer is tagged by any tag in the given set of tags
 boolean TaggedFormation.isTagged(Dancer d, TaggedFormation.Tag tag)
          Returns true if the dancer is tagged by the given tag.
 Position Formation.location(Dancer d)
 Formation dancers)
          Replace the dancers in this formation with the given dancers, specified in the "sorted dancers" order (left-to-right, top-to-bottom).
 TaggedFormation dancers)
          Replace the dancers in this formation with the given dancers, specified in the "sorted dancers" order (left-to-right, top-to-bottom).
 Formation Formation.move(Dancer d, Position p)
          Return a formation like this one, except that the given dancer is moved to the specified position.
 TaggedFormation TaggedFormation.move(Dancer d, Position p)
 List<DancerPath> DanceState.movements(Dancer d)
          Return all the DancerPaths, in order, performed by the given Dancer.
 Formation d)
          Convenience method for
 Set<TaggedFormation.Tag> TaggedFormation.tags(Dancer d)
          Return the non-primitive tags attached to this dancer.

Method parameters in net.cscott.sdr.calls with type arguments of type Dancer
static void Tagger.addAutomatic(Formation f, MultiMap<Dancer,TaggedFormation.Tag> tags)
static void Tagger.addFrom(TaggedFormation template, Formation f, MultiMap<Dancer,TaggedFormation.Tag> tags)
          Find all instance of the tagged template formation in the given given formation f, and add the tags from the template to the set of tags on f given in tags.
 TaggedFormation TaggedFormation.addTags(MultiMap<Dancer,TaggedFormation.Tag> newTags)
          Add additional tags to the given formation.
static Formation Breather.insert(Formation meta, Map<Dancer,Formation> components)
          Insert formations into a meta-formation.
 FormationMatch<Dancer,Dancer> m)
          Remap the meta dancers in the given FormationMatch, returning a new FormationMatch.
 FormationMatch<Dancer,Dancer> m)
          Remap the meta dancers in the given FormationMatch, returning a new FormationMatch.
 Formation<Dancer,Dancer> map)
 Formation<Dancer,Dancer> map)
 TaggedFormation<Dancer,Dancer> map)
 TaggedFormation<Dancer,Dancer> map)
 void DanceState.pushDesignated(Set<Dancer> designated)
          Add the set of designated dancers to the stack stored in the DanceState.
 Formation<Dancer> d)
          Build a new formation with only the given dancers selected.
 TaggedFormation<Dancer> d)
static void Tagger.tag2(Formation f, MultiMap<Dancer,TaggedFormation.Tag> tags)
          Discover 1x2 tags (BEAU/BELLE/LEADER/TRAILER) in the given formation.
static void Tagger.tag4(Formation f, MultiMap<Dancer,TaggedFormation.Tag> tags)
          Discover 1x4 tags (NUMBER_1/2/3/4, CENTER/END) in the given formation.
 String Formation.toStringDiagram(String prefix, Map<Dancer,String> dancerNames)
          Return an ascii-art diagram of this formation, using a custom mapping from Dancers to 2-character strings.
 String Formation.toStringDiagramWithDetails(String prefix, Map<Dancer,String> dancerNames)

Constructor parameters in net.cscott.sdr.calls with type arguments of type Dancer
Formation(Formation f, Map<Dancer,Dancer> map)
Formation(Formation f, Map<Dancer,Dancer> map)
Formation(Map<Dancer,Position> location)
Formation(Map<Dancer,Position> location, Set<Dancer> selected)
Formation(Map<Dancer,Position> location, Set<Dancer> selected)
FormationMatch(Formation meta, Map<Dancer,TaggedFormation> matches, Set<Dancer> unmatched)
FormationMatch(Formation meta, Map<Dancer,TaggedFormation> matches, Set<Dancer> unmatched)
NamedTaggedFormation(String name, Formation f, MultiMap<Dancer,TaggedFormation.Tag> tags)
TaggedFormation(Formation f, MultiMap<Dancer,TaggedFormation.Tag> tags)
TaggedFormation(Map<Dancer,Position> location, Set<Dancer> selected, MultiMap<Dancer,TaggedFormation.Tag> tags)
TaggedFormation(Map<Dancer,Position> location, Set<Dancer> selected, MultiMap<Dancer,TaggedFormation.Tag> tags)
TaggedFormation(Map<Dancer,Position> location, Set<Dancer> selected, MultiMap<Dancer,TaggedFormation.Tag> tags)
TaggedFormation(TaggedFormation tf, Map<Dancer,Dancer> map)
TaggedFormation(TaggedFormation tf, Map<Dancer,Dancer> map)

sdr 0.7

Copyright © 2006-2009 C. Scott Ananian