
Uses of Class

Uses of CollectionFactory in net.cscott.jutil

Subclasses of CollectionFactory in net.cscott.jutil
 class AggregateSetFactory<V>
          AggregateSetFactory uses a single HashMap as backing store for the many smaller Sets created by this SetFactory.
 class BitSetFactory<V>
          BitSetFactory is a SetFactory that, given a complete universe of possible values, produces low space overhead representations of Sets.
 class ListFactory<V>
          ListFactory is a List generator.
 class PersistentSetFactory<T>
          A PersistentSetFactory uses hash-consing to ensure that the Sets created by it maximally reuse space.
 class SetFactory<V>
          SetFactory is a Set generator.

Methods in net.cscott.jutil that return CollectionFactory
<V> CollectionFactory<V>
Factories.noNullCollectionFactory(CollectionFactory<V> cf)
<V> CollectionFactory<V>
Factories.synchronizedCollectionFactory(CollectionFactory<V> cf)
          Returns a CollectionFactory that generates synchronized (thread-safe) Collections.

Methods in net.cscott.jutil with parameters of type CollectionFactory
<V> CollectionFactory<V>
Factories.noNullCollectionFactory(CollectionFactory<V> cf)
<V> CollectionFactory<V>
Factories.synchronizedCollectionFactory(CollectionFactory<V> cf)
          Returns a CollectionFactory that generates synchronized (thread-safe) Collections.

Constructors in net.cscott.jutil with parameters of type CollectionFactory
GenericInvertibleMultiMap(CollectionFactory cf)
GenericInvertibleMultiMap(MapFactory mf, CollectionFactory cf)
GenericMultiMap(CollectionFactory<V> cf)
          Creates a MultiMap using a HashMap for the map and the specified CollectionFactory to create the value collections.
GenericMultiMap(MapFactory<K,Collection<V>> mf, CollectionFactory<V> cf)
          Creates a MultiMap using the specified MapFactory to create the map and the specified CollectionFactory to create the value collections.
GenericMultiMapFactory(MapFactory<K,Collection<V>> mf, CollectionFactory<V> cf)
          Create a new GenericMultiMapFactory, specifying the MapFactory and CollectionFactory to be used by the underlying GenericMultiMap.


Copyright (c) 2006 C. Scott Ananian