sdr 0.7

Uses of Class

Packages that use Comp
net.cscott.sdr.calls This package contains the square dance choreography engine, and the basic types and interfaces required to communicate with it. 
net.cscott.sdr.calls.ast This package contains the abstract syntax used for call definition and evaluation. 
net.cscott.sdr.calls.parser ANTLRv3 grammars for parsing call definition files and AST representations. 
net.cscott.sdr.calls.transform This package contains code to parse call lists and transform call abstract syntax in various ways. 

Uses of Comp in net.cscott.sdr.calls

Methods in net.cscott.sdr.calls that return Comp
 Comp Evaluator.simpleExpansion()
          Returns the equivalent simple expansion of the call, if it has one.
 Comp Evaluator.Standard.simpleExpansion()
 Comp Evaluator.EvaluatorChain.simpleExpansion()

Methods in net.cscott.sdr.calls with parameters of type Comp
static Evaluator Evaluator.breathedEval(Formation f, Comp c)
          Create an evaluator which breathes each formation to resolve collisions.
static Call Call.makeSimpleCall(String name, Program program, Comp def, Rule rule)
          Create a Call object for a 'simple call' which takes no arguments.

Constructors in net.cscott.sdr.calls with parameters of type Comp
Evaluator.Standard(Comp continuation)
          Create a standard evaluator which wll dance the specified calls.

Uses of Comp in net.cscott.sdr.calls.ast

Subclasses of Comp in net.cscott.sdr.calls.ast
 class If
          If rejects its child as suitable for execution from the current formation unless its condition evaluates true.
 class In
          In alters the timing of its child such that it executes its In.child in exactly In.count beats.
 class Opt
          Opt is a list of call options.
 class Par
          Par is a list of call pieces.
 class Seq
          Seq is the serial composition of primitive call pieces.

Fields in net.cscott.sdr.calls.ast declared as Comp
 Comp Part.child
 Comp ParCall.child
 Comp OptCall.child
 Comp In.child
 Comp If.child
          The child to evaluate, iff the condition is true.

Methods in net.cscott.sdr.calls.ast that return Comp
<T> Comp
Seq.accept(TransformVisitor<T> v, T t)
<T> Comp
Par.accept(TransformVisitor<T> v, T t)
<T> Comp
Opt.accept(TransformVisitor<T> v, T t)
<T> Comp
In.accept(TransformVisitor<T> v, T t)
<T> Comp
If.accept(TransformVisitor<T> v, T t)
<T> Comp
Comp.accept(TransformVisitor<T> v, T t)

Methods in net.cscott.sdr.calls.ast with parameters of type Comp
 ParCall selector, Comp child)
          Factory: creates new ParCall only if it would differ from this.
 OptCall matcher, Comp child)
          Factory: creates new OptCall only if it would differ from this.
 In count, Comp child)
          Factory: creates new In only if it would differ from this.
 If condition, Comp child)
          Factory: creates new If only if it would differ from this.
 Part divisibility, Expr howMany, Comp child)
          Factory: creates new Part only if it would differ from this.

Constructors in net.cscott.sdr.calls.ast with parameters of type Comp
If(If.When when, Expr condition, Comp child)
If(If.When when, Expr condition, Comp child, String msg)
If(If.When when, Expr condition, Comp child, String msg, Fraction priority)
In(Expr count, Comp child)
OptCall(Expr matcher, Comp child)
ParCall(Expr selector, Comp child)
Part(Part.Divisibility divisibility, Expr howMany, Comp child)
Part(Part.Divisibility divisibility, Fraction howMany, Comp child)

Uses of Comp in net.cscott.sdr.calls.parser

Methods in net.cscott.sdr.calls.parser that return Comp
 Comp AstParser.comp()

Methods in net.cscott.sdr.calls.parser that return types with arguments of type Comp
 net.cscott.sdr.calls.parser.BuilderHelper.B<? extends Comp> CallFileBuilder.pieces()
 net.cscott.sdr.calls.parser.BuilderHelper.B<? extends Comp> CallFileBuilder.res()

Uses of Comp in net.cscott.sdr.calls.transform

Methods in net.cscott.sdr.calls.transform that return Comp
static Comp RemoveIn.removeIn(DanceState ds, In in)
          Main method: pass in a Comp, and get out a Comp without In nodes.
 Comp Fractional.visit(If iff, Fraction f)
 Comp TransformVisitor.visit(If iff, T t)
 Comp FirstPart.visit(If iff, Void t)
 Comp Finish.visit(If iff, Void t)
 Comp RemoveIn.visit(In in, Fraction f)
 Comp TransformVisitor.visit(In in, T t)
 Comp Finish.visit(In in, Void t)
 Comp TransformVisitor.visit(Opt opt, T t)
 Comp TransformVisitor.visit(Par p, T t)
 Comp Fractional.visit(Seq s, Fraction f)
 Comp TransformVisitor.visit(Seq s, T t)
 Comp LikeA.visit(Seq s, Void t)
 Comp FirstPart.visit(Seq s, Void t)
 Comp Finish.visit(Seq s, Void t)

Methods in net.cscott.sdr.calls.transform with parameters of type Comp
abstract  RESULT ValueVisitor.visit(Comp c, CLOSURE t)

sdr 0.7

Copyright © 2006-2009 C. Scott Ananian