What is the Giant Rat of Sumatra other than simple rattus
rattus, a ship rat grown large? Or maybe a Cricetomys gambianus, the
African giant rat, which I personally consider a delicacy when topped with
its parasitic companion, a crunchy wingless cockroach? Perhaps the Rat is
nothing but an Indian giant squirrel, Ratufa indica,
a rodent, sure,
but not the Rat of childhood fears. Perchance what we consider the giant rat
is in fact the curious and ill-known animal known as
Echinosorex gymnurus, the ``Moon Rat'' native to Indonesia,
closely related in fact to the hedgehog, and
secreting a musky substance which gives it a highly characteristic
[Chris and Will sniff in union. There is definitely something odd
in the air.]
Perhaps you have not heard the tale of the Matilda Briggs?