A Parameterized Collections Library for Java

C. Scott Ananian

JUtil is a fully-parameterized (generic) collections library for Java. It was originally part of the FLEX project.

The JUtil library is currently at version 1.4. You can download the latest version, see changes in the latest release, recent changes at ohloh, or browse the API documentation on-line. JUtil is licensed under the GNU GPL.

Mailing list

I've created a mailing list. Sign up to receive mail when new versions of JUtil are released.

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You can also follow the project on ohloh or LiveJournal.

Source code repository

The git repository for JUtil can be cloned with the following command:

git-clone http://cscott.net/Projects/git/JUtil

Version Archive

JUtil 1.0, released 26-Apr-2003.

JUtil 1.1, released 24-Jan-2004. (Updated for the 2.4a1 JSR-14 compiler release.)

JUtil 1.2, unreleased.

JUtil 1.3, released 30-Oct-2006.

JUtil 1.4, released 14-Feb-2009.

C. Scott Ananian
cscott cscott.net

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