Date: Wed, 14 May 2003 13:55:37 -0400 (EDT)
From: C. Scott Ananian
Subject: Verify error in 1.3 prototype.

This code, compiled with the 1.3 prototype (also the 1.0 and 1.2

import java.util.*;
class A {
 public static void main (String argv[]) {
  ArrayList<Boolean> B = new ArrayList<Boolean>(10);
  Iterator<Boolean> i = B.iterator();
  boolean b = (;

causes a verify error when it is run:

cananian@skiffserv:~/SUNBUG$ java A
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.VerifyError: (class: B, method:
methodC signature: ()V) Incompatible object argument for function call
        at A.main(

Examining the bytecode makes it obvious that a required typecast is

Codeview "bytecode" for public static void A.main(java.lang.String[]):
  #3/ - new class java.util.ArrayList
  #4/ - dup
  #5/ - bipush (byte)10
  #6/ - invokespecial public java.util.ArrayList(int)
  #7/ - astore_1 lv_1
  #8/ - aload_1 lv_1
  #9/ - invokevirtual public java.util.Iterator java.util.AbstractList.iterator()
  #10/ - astore_2 lv_2
  #11/ - aload_2 lv_2
  #12/ - invokeinterface public abstract java.lang.Object
  #13/ - invokevirtual public final boolean java.lang.Boolean.booleanValue()
  #14/ - istore_3 lv_3
  #15/ - return

There should be a typecast between #12 and #13. 

This was discovered by "agentsmooth" on the GJ forums:
(as noted on the forum) removing the parentheses around '' in the
example is a valid workaround:

Codeview "bytecode" for public static void A2.main(java.lang.String[]):
  #3/ - new class java.util.ArrayList
  #4/ - dup
  #5/ - bipush (byte)10
  #6/ - invokespecial public java.util.ArrayList(int)
  #7/ - astore_1 lv_1
  #8/ - aload_1 lv_1
  #9/ - invokevirtual public java.util.Iterator java.util.AbstractList.iterator()
  #10/ - astore_2 lv_2
  #11/ - aload_2 lv_2
  #12/ - invokeinterface public abstract java.lang.Object
  #13/ - checkcast class java.lang.Boolean
  #14/ - invokevirtual public final boolean java.lang.Boolean.booleanValue()
  #15/ - istore_3 lv_3
  #16/ - return

Note the new presence of instruction #13.

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