We can
use GEMS 1-17-16 since Florida SOS and Metamor have been notified of the fix
of the bug found in Phase I test.. This bug just reported would be introduced
as a new bug. The source code
change would have to be reviewed by Metamor and sent to both Metamor and
Florida SOS prior to Phase II.
I agree that this will be something
that Florida will expect to see in Phase II. We will have to fix this and then do
our best to submit to Florida and Metamor and hope for the
Larry J. Dix
owner-bugtrack@dieboldes.com [mailto:owner-bugtrack@dieboldes.com]On Behalf Of Jeff Hintz
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2001 2:25
To: Bugs List
Subject: Not able to
Print/View ballots within Ballot Audit Window
I have
voted several times on a AVTS unit, using version 4.0.8. I then transfer
my totals to GEMS, using version 1.17.15. When I go to view or print the
ballots within the Ballot Audit window, I get the following
For the
attached Closed Primary database, I get the following error when I try to view
some of the ballots. However I am able to print out all of the ballots,
without any errors.

For the
attached General - Straight Party database, I get the following error when I
try to print out Precinct 5. However I am able to view all of the
ballots, without any errors.

I am
positive that we will perform the Printing/Viewing of ballots during the Phase
II Florida test. I am not sure what the sequence of events that
need to be performed, before we do the Phase II Florida test, since the fixing
of these bugs will create a new version, and we have already gone through
Phase I testing with GEMS 1.17.15
Global Election