It has to do with the Back Side
option. Even when I refreshed the display, the same error message was
displayed. When I changed the Placement Option to Next Column, the error
no longer occured.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2001 12:12
Subject: RE: GEMS 1-18-4 Ballot
generation without refresh error
I don't
follow... Are you saying that back side does not work, or that opening a
card that doesn't exist generates a funny error message.
I changed the 'Placement
Options' of the 'Propositions' header from 'Back Side' to 'Next Column' and
was successful in generating and viewing artwork.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2001
12:18 PM
Subject: GEMS 1-18-4 Ballot
generation without refresh error
the attached database, selecting Card in the tree view, changing the
ballot length to 17" in Ballot Options, generating ballot artwork, and
double-clicking on card 7 in the list view effects the following error
message. Note that the display was not refreshed.
