I think that during
an election it will cause some confusion. If it is fixed and all is well,
great. Let whoever want to use it use.
On what basis do
you draw that conclusion, Rodney?
It should
work. If it doesn't work, then the nature of the breakage should be
determined and fixed. Deliberately breaking it for everyone is not the
solution here. That just guarantees that the problems remain broken
forever. The solution is for people to test it and find the bugs.
Or, following standard operation proceedure, let our customers, certification
comittees, potential customers during demos, or whomever find them.
Either way, we'll fix it when problems are reported, as
I would also
agree. I think we should not run both at the same time. Especially during an
Me either - I would like Gems to deny
access to one or the other if one is running - same for Central
Count- any body for or against one way or the other?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2001 12:39
Subject: RE: GEMS 1-17-13 dual
AccuVote Server activation error
That's not a
straightforward question to answer. It means it doesn't crash when
you start both. As to whether both will work
simultaneously, that depends on whether someone gets assigned to test
this or not. If there are problems using them simultaneously, that
person should post a bugtrack, and we will certainly look into it.
In the mean time, I wouldn't want to use both simultaneously during
an election.
Excuse my ignorance - but does
this mean we can upload/download both at the same time?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2001
9:53 AM
Subject: Re: GEMS 1-17-13 dual
AccuVote Server activation error
This is fixed and will be
in the 1.17 and 1.18 branches of GEMS.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, June 13,
2001 6:06 PM
Subject: GEMS 1-17-13 dual
AccuVote Server activation error
Activating the attached database's AccuVote-OS Server
console, queueing the vote center, starting the port, then
activating the AccuVote-TS Server console and queueing the vote
centers generates the following error. Submitted by
