Complaint Accepted. Thank you for your input.

First Name:C. Scott
Last Name:Ananian
Age Range:20 - 29
Street Address:57 Mystic St
State or Canadian Province:Massachusetts
Zip Code or Postal Code:02474
Home Phone:(617)233-1238
Subject of Your Complaint:Computers/Internet Services
Name of Company You Are Complaining About:The SCO Group Inc
Street Address:355 South 520 West
Suite 100
State or Canadian Province:Utah
Zip Code or Postal Code:04042
Company Web Site:
Phone Number:(801)765-4999Ext.
How Did the Company Initially Contact You?:Internet (Other)
How Much Did the Company Ask You to Pay?:2246
How Much Did You Actually Pay the Company?:0
How Did You Pay the Company?:Not Reported
First NameDarl
Last Name:McBride
Date Company Contacted You:08/20/2003 (MM/DD/YYYY)
Explain Your Problem: (Please limit your complaint to 2000 characters.):The SCO group, in public announcements in a variety of media (see for example claims that the Linux operating system (a copy of which I have on each of the several computers I own) is *their* intellectual property, and threatening legal action if I do not pay $199 per desktop system (I own two), $699 per one-processor server system (I have one) and $1,149 per two-processor server system (I have two), for a total of $2,246. The source for the prices is
which also threatens,
"you have the option to do nothing ... and hope that SCO is not serious about enforcing its intellectual property rights in the end user community."

SCO claims of IP rights over the Linux operating system --- portions of which *I* wrote, and licensed to others (including SCO) to use on terms which preclude SCO's current actions --- are unproved in a court of law and widely regarded as bluster (See, for instance).

I would like the FTC to prohibit SCO from threatening American citizens who acquired the Linux operating system in good faith until/unless their claims are proven.

Note that a regional court in Munich, Germany, has already fined SCO 10,000 euros for SCO's unsubstantiated claims.